Its really sad when you can't be together on occasions like this. Thousands of miles across the ocean, with a 17 hour time difference, and haven't actually seen him for over 6 weeks, I knew from the beginning it wouldn't be the best time to celebrate.
I really give props to the couples who manage to work a long distance relationship. Its a hard way to do it and not really my style, or Reese's either, I think. But at the same time I think the distance and time apart makes you appreciate the other person more. I try not to bring up Reese's name all the time (afterall what is more annoying than someone who talks about their significant other constantly?) But I notice Travis always says things like, "Reese would love this..." or "That's Reese's favorite..." stuff like that. I think no matter where you are there are always things that remind you about the people you care about.
What makes today more special than tomorrow or yesterday? I think it is memories. Identifying a day when it all started makes it feel more real for people. Kind of like birthdays. Each year, half year, or month, you can track the progress. Look back on where you were and see how far you have come.
However, I don't think that time really shows that much for relationships. People can be together for years and then break up or get a divorce. I wouldn't necessarily say longer is better like many would argue. I think being together for a long time shows commitment, but isn't necessarily a gauge for how close the couple is or how much they love each other or whatever.
Its hard for someone on the outside to judge or measure another person's relationship. Sure you can see how they act together, ask how long they have been a couple, take observations, interview each person. But really no matter how hard you try, there is really no way of knowing how they feel for each other. It is a very personal thing, a mutual understanding, something that people on the outside have no way of comprehending or fully grasping.
So as long as two years might seem, I really do not believe that time is something you can brag about in relationships. And love is something you cannot explain to others. I guess its really just between us, me and Reese. Two is just a number and today is just another day. Special to us, but why I don't really know.
i like this laur :) good thoughts.